Monday, April 27, 2015

On April 25, 2015, I took an Introduction to Zentangle class with Marietta Downen.  The tile above is what I created in the class.  I have done three of the four patterns previously, but have not done any shading -- it really makes a difference!!

This is a photograph of all of the tiles prepared at the class.  The tile I prepared is in the lower right corner.  Even though we all used the same four patterns, all of the tiles look different.

It was a fun class.  I look forward to future classes.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

I have been tangling a little more.  Above is a small product of a tangling event.  I am starting to get familiar with some of the Zentangle patterns and have incorporated several into the above finished piece.

I learned today about an Introduction to Zentangle class and registered immediately.  I am excited and can hardly wait until the day of the class arrives!!

The above piece was one of my more imaginative pieces.  I incorporated one new piece in the upper left corner which worked out quite well while the one in the lower part was a bust.  I have learned that each piece I work on can go wrong in a moment.  There is no erasing or correcting so if there is a wrong move made, I have tried to incorporate it into the art.

This was a quickie piece.  I like doing the mattress-looking pattern and the fan pattern.  The fan pattern reminds me of the mandalas I used to make many years ago.

I felt like making circles in this piece.  Three new patterns were tried and completed quite successfully except for the center part of the upper left pattern.  I rather botched the center and just made it a solid center instead of a design.

This final piece for this post was started with a string pattern that went awry.  I tried to reel it back in with the stones and lined pattern along the bottom.  I like drawing the stones -- for some reason they are comforting.

Okay, that is enough for now -- probably too much if you are still with me.  Remember, this is a work in progress!!

More later . . . .

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Here are three pieces of Zentangle Inspired Art (ZIAs) I created this past week.  I purchased two books on Zentangle and have incorporated several new patterns that I learned from them.