The Diva's Challenge this week is "to go back into your stash and find a tile that you could spruce up or remix and give it a shiny fresh coat of Pigma Micron!"
I looked back into my stash and came up with a bookmark (hence the hole in the upper left where I had a ribbon) I originally made on July 6, 2015. I used a fine point Sharpie to draw Tipple in the four corners and Tizzy in the middle. Here is what it looked like:
After I added some larger Tipple and enhanced the Tizzy with a medium point Sharpie, I added Florz with a fine point Sharpie and a Micron 01 to the background. Here is the final product:
No shading involved. I really must start doing that -- no excuse, except I am chicken!!
As always, comments and criticisms are welcome.