Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Diva Challenge #273 - "Tangle Remix"

The Diva's Challenge this week is "to go back into your stash and find a tile that you could spruce up or remix and give it a shiny fresh coat of Pigma Micron!"

I looked back into my stash and came up with a bookmark (hence the hole in the upper left where I had a ribbon) I originally made on July 6, 2015.  I used a fine point Sharpie to draw Tipple in the four corners and Tizzy in the middle.    Here is what it looked like:

After I added some larger Tipple and enhanced the Tizzy with a medium point Sharpie, I added Florz with a fine point Sharpie and a Micron 01 to the background. Here is the final product:

No shading involved.  I really must start doing that -- no excuse, except I am chicken!!

As always, comments and criticisms are welcome.


  1. I do like the way you finished this tile!!!!

  2. Nice 'new' tile, even without shading ;-)

  3. The remix makes it a very different proposition. For me, it actually raises the two main motifs by giving them a background. Very nice work.

  4. Very nice additions to your first tile. If you have a scanner, scan a finished tile that has no shading. Copy/paste it to a word document 6 times and print it. Then, you can play with shading 6 different ways before you do it on the actual tile. Work just a tiny bit first. It's always easy to add more and hard to remove. Have fun with it. Remember, like Zentangle, there is NO wrong way!

    1. I have actually done that on another tile when I could not get a part of it to work out correctly. It worked out well. I have to remind myself that all Zentangle is one line at a time!! Thank you for your comments. I appreciate them.

  5. Le second est plus équilibré et élégant !

    1. Oui je suis d'accord. Merci pour votre commentaire.

  6. Adding the background and the Tipple really showed off your original two focal points. Nice finish on this bookmark!

  7. I love the addition of the background on this piece. It really made the whole bookmark pop! The way you have finished this really calls for a bit of shading ... perhaps you could try with just a little around the central tangles and go from there. Just remember, it is meant to be relaxing and when it no longer is, then stop.

    1. Thank you for the suggestion. I will give it a try.
