Friday, July 29, 2016

Diva Challenge #277 - "Running 'round in Circles"

The Diva Challenge this week is to draw a thread with circles and then fill it with tangles.  Well, I decided to use one of my circular tiles as the thread and fill it with Hypnotic and Tipple using a medium point black Sharpie and a black Micron 01.

As always, comments and criticisms are appreciated.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


This is my first attempt at drawing the "B'dylan" pattern.  I drew it on a white tile using a black fine point Sharpie, gold Pentel Slicci .8mm, and miscellaneous Gelly Roll pens.  It was a fun pattern.  

My next attempt drawing it will probably be on a black tile using a white Gelly Roll pen.

As always, comments and criticisms are appreciated!!

Stay tuned . . .

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Diva Challenge #275 - "Guest Post: Give Peace a Chance - Suzanne Fluhr, CZT

Suzanne Fluhr is standing in for the Diva this week and has set this week's challenge as follows:  "I'd like you to dedicate yourselves to expressing "Give Peace a Chance" through art, using Zentangle and Zentangle Inspired Art techniques."

Immediately when I read this on Monday, I started out and created a tile using peace as a theme.  Here is what it looks like:

I was not real pleased with it and held off posting it hoping I would create a new one.  Well, I do not think it will happen before the end of the challenge so I decided to go ahead and post this one.

I used a black Sharpie medium point pen and a black Micron 01 pen to draw Crescent Moon and Bambooz patterns.  

I messed up on the peace sign and intended to draw it larger but tried to salvage it with the Bambooz accents.  Here is a close-up photo:

I kept telling myself that there are no mistakes in Zentangle and it was meant to be . . . I still believe the process is "one stroke at a time."  Sometimes my strokes just do not go as planned.

Oh well, there is always next week . . . .

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Diva Challenge #274 - "My Country 'Tis of Thee"

The Diva Challenge for this week is to show your country's colors by creating a tile inspired by the country where you live.  Well, I live in the good ole' USA, so I used red, white, and blue.  I drew Squid and Tipple.  Here is what it looks like:

I used Gelly roll pens for the red Tipple in the background, the blue Isochor on the Squid, and the white in the middle of the Squid.  I used a black fine point Sharpie to outline the middle of the Squid.  The tile is a 3 inch coaster I ordered from Amazon.

As always, comments and criticisms are appreciated.