Friday, November 18, 2016

Diva Challenge #293 - "Keeko, you know!"

This week's Diva Challenge was to find some zen in your keeko.

I created a monotangle tile drawing Keeko using a white Gelly Roll 08 pen on a black tile.  I used negative space to indicate an aum symbol in the center of the tile.

I am still having difficulties with the white Gelly Roll pens. For some reason, they keep skipping and missing, then blob out all at once.  I started getting frustrated with this pattern, hence the look that a 5 year-old drew it.

Comments and criticisms always appreciated.   

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Retreat in the Woods

I spent 4 days last week with 3 of my girlfriends in a cabin in the woods on the coast of the Blue River in southeastern Oklahoma.  We left home with summer weather and returned with autumn weather which is way overdue.

It was a wonderful trip.  We rested, ate, drank, talked, read, and took it easy.  We sat outside for long periods of time by a campfire that continuously burned.

The sky at night was gorgeous.  It looked like a black blanket with sparkling diamonds accenting it.  Even though I live rural, I did not realize how much light pollution I had at home. The night sky was outstanding!!

When I took a break from reading, I drew the above Zentangle inspired art composed of Paradox, Squid, Tipple, and Isochor.  I used black Sharpie pens with medium and fine points and a black Micron 01 pen.  As you can see, I still have a way to go on proper shading.  It is always a work in progress. 

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Diva Challenge #286: "Straight to It"

This week's Diva Challenge is to create a tile using any Zentangle patterns that are made of straight lines.  I created two tiles to share.

The tile above is Paradox created using a medium point black Sharpie pen and a pencil and tortillion (for shading).  It is astonishing how this is created entirely out of straight lines and the finished product looks curved.  Amazing!!

The tile above is a combination of Cubine, Hollibaugh, and Emingle created using a medium point black Sharpie pen, a black Micron 01 pen, and a pencil and tortillion (for shading).

As always, comments and criticisms are welcome.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Diva Challenge #277 - "Running 'round in Circles"

The Diva Challenge this week is to draw a thread with circles and then fill it with tangles.  Well, I decided to use one of my circular tiles as the thread and fill it with Hypnotic and Tipple using a medium point black Sharpie and a black Micron 01.

As always, comments and criticisms are appreciated.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


This is my first attempt at drawing the "B'dylan" pattern.  I drew it on a white tile using a black fine point Sharpie, gold Pentel Slicci .8mm, and miscellaneous Gelly Roll pens.  It was a fun pattern.  

My next attempt drawing it will probably be on a black tile using a white Gelly Roll pen.

As always, comments and criticisms are appreciated!!

Stay tuned . . .

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Diva Challenge #275 - "Guest Post: Give Peace a Chance - Suzanne Fluhr, CZT

Suzanne Fluhr is standing in for the Diva this week and has set this week's challenge as follows:  "I'd like you to dedicate yourselves to expressing "Give Peace a Chance" through art, using Zentangle and Zentangle Inspired Art techniques."

Immediately when I read this on Monday, I started out and created a tile using peace as a theme.  Here is what it looks like:

I was not real pleased with it and held off posting it hoping I would create a new one.  Well, I do not think it will happen before the end of the challenge so I decided to go ahead and post this one.

I used a black Sharpie medium point pen and a black Micron 01 pen to draw Crescent Moon and Bambooz patterns.  

I messed up on the peace sign and intended to draw it larger but tried to salvage it with the Bambooz accents.  Here is a close-up photo:

I kept telling myself that there are no mistakes in Zentangle and it was meant to be . . . I still believe the process is "one stroke at a time."  Sometimes my strokes just do not go as planned.

Oh well, there is always next week . . . .

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Diva Challenge #274 - "My Country 'Tis of Thee"

The Diva Challenge for this week is to show your country's colors by creating a tile inspired by the country where you live.  Well, I live in the good ole' USA, so I used red, white, and blue.  I drew Squid and Tipple.  Here is what it looks like:

I used Gelly roll pens for the red Tipple in the background, the blue Isochor on the Squid, and the white in the middle of the Squid.  I used a black fine point Sharpie to outline the middle of the Squid.  The tile is a 3 inch coaster I ordered from Amazon.

As always, comments and criticisms are appreciated.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Diva Challenge #273 - "Tangle Remix"

The Diva's Challenge this week is "to go back into your stash and find a tile that you could spruce up or remix and give it a shiny fresh coat of Pigma Micron!"

I looked back into my stash and came up with a bookmark (hence the hole in the upper left where I had a ribbon) I originally made on July 6, 2015.  I used a fine point Sharpie to draw Tipple in the four corners and Tizzy in the middle.    Here is what it looked like:

After I added some larger Tipple and enhanced the Tizzy with a medium point Sharpie, I added Florz with a fine point Sharpie and a Micron 01 to the background. Here is the final product:

No shading involved.  I really must start doing that -- no excuse, except I am chicken!!

As always, comments and criticisms are welcome.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Diva's Challenge - #272 - "What's Black and White and Read All Over?"

This week's challenge was to create a Zentangle tile with the standard black and white and add some red to it.

This past week I ran across a favorite quote (also known as "Indra's Net").  It reads as follows:

"There is an endless net of threads throughout the universe. The horizontal threads are in space. The vertical threads are in time. At every crossing of the threads, there is an individual, and every individual is a crystal bead. And every crystal bead reflects not only the light from every other crystal in the net, but also every other reflection throughout the entire universe."

                                              --Rig Veda

Throughout the week, this quote has been on my mind - how the actions of each person affects the other and how what one person sets in motion affects everything.  I decided to create a Zentangle tile version of it using Florz.  Here is what it looks like:

As always, comments and criticisms are much appreciated.  Hope you have had a happy week.

Send some goodness out in the universe this coming week!!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Diva Challenge - "UMT - Crux by Henrike Bratz

This week's Diva Challenge is to use "Crux" in a challenge  I used "Crux" in the background along with "Tore-Up" and "Zonked."  This was a first time for me to draw all three of these patterns.  I used fine-point and medium-point Sharpies.  I was not real pleased with the way the shading turned out, but finally had to call it quits.  I added and took away and added and took away, and then it started to be a real mess.  

As always, comments and criticisms are appreciated.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Diva Challenge #265: "Stripes"

This week's Diva Challenge is to draw stripes. I decided to do some wavy stripes.  My creation consists of (from the top down) Sunz, Andu, Modern Nipa, Riverstones, and Aim with Tipple scattered throughout the tile.  I used medium and fine point Sharpie black pens.

As always, comments and criticisms are welcome.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Diva Challenge #264 - "String Theory: String into Spring"

For my "String into Spring," I used a black tile with a white Gelly Roll 08 pen.  I drew Paradox, Cadent, Tipple, and a little bit of auras around the Tipple.

Comments and criticisms are always welcome.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Diva Challenge #263: "Globular Grid"

The Diva announced the Weekly Challenge #263 as follows:

"This week's challenge a grid based challenge, with a bit of a twist.  
The challenge is create your grid on a circle and make it globular. Here's how to do it!

I drew a light string onto a blank renaissance zendala tile, then i made two parenthesis type lines ( ) down the centre of the tile. 

From there, i just added more parenthesis lines, meeting at the tops and bottoms.  

then i turned my tile 90 degrees and did the same.

Once your grid is complete, tangle away!!"

* * * *

I used a round tile (actually a coaster) from some I had purchased a couple of months ago. The surface is not as smooth as I would like and they do suck up the ink like crazy, but otherwise, they work well.  Well, I got a little carried away with drawing the grid and made the squares too small, so it took forever to fill them in with the pattern.  I decided to use Hypnotic which, because I had to use it so many times, and in so small of spaces, was rough on my eyes.  By the time I was finished, I felt as though I could hardly focus them.  It was fun though and it did go rather quickly.

Here is the final result:

A closeup view of the grid is here:

As always, comments and criticisms as welcome!!

That is it for now.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Diva Challenge #252: "String Theory: Tangle within a Tangle"

"The Diva Challenge" this week is to use a tangle as the string and then draw tangles within the tangle.  I decided to use one of the new round tiles I ordered a few weeks ago but had not used yet.  I also used my regular Sharpie black pen.

In the monthly "Zentangle" newsletter I received this past week, a new Zentangle pattern was introduced called "Molygon."  New challenge, new pattern, new tile -- I could not resist.  Above is a photograph of the result of Molygon with Crescent Moon.

As always, comments and criticisms are welcomed.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Diva Challenge - #250 - "Bringing it Back to the Old School"

In keeping with the theme of "Bringing it Back to the Old School," I drew some of my favorite Zentangle patterns including Crescent Moon, Purk, Paradox, Fescu, Cadent, Tipple, and Starry Night using a Sharpie black pen.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

2016 - Symphony in Strings - A Study in Strings - Day 8

Today's string immediately made be think of the Waves pattern when I first saw it so I used a Sharpie black pen to draw it.

Friday, January 8, 2016

2016 - Symphony in Strings - A Study in Strings - Days 6 and 7

Day 6 - I used a Sharpie fine point black pen to draw Paradox, Hollibaugh, and Tipple.

Day 7 - I used a Sharpie fine point black pen to draw Crescent Moon, DL Sunray, Fescu, Nipa, Cubine, Cadent, Printemps, and Mooka (a first for me).

As always, comments and criticisms are welcomed.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

2016 - Symphony in Strings - A Study in Strings - Day 5

For today's tile, I used a Sharpie fine point black pen to draw 'Nzeppel and a tanglelation of Static.  Comments and criticisms are always welcomed.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016 - Symphony in Strings - A Study in Strings - Day 4

For Day 4, I used a Sharpie black fine point black pen to draw Bambooz, Paradox, Squid, Tipple, and Pufff.

As always, comments and criticisms are appreciated.

Monday, January 4, 2016

2016 - Symphony in Strings - A Study in Strings - Day 3

I started out today's tile with a black Sharpie fine point pen.  The two round figures began as Jetties and morphed into Purk and Onomato/Paradox.  I also drew Knase, Tipple, and Florz. This tile really took on a life of its own.

As always, comments and criticisms as welcome.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

2016 - A String Symphony - A Study in Strings - Day 2

Here is Day 2 in the Study in Strings.  Today I used a Sharpie fine point pen to draw Sez, Cadent, Paradox, Twilight, Cubine, and Fracas.

As always, comments and criticisms are welcome.

2016 - A String Symphony - A Study in Strings - Day 1

On Facebook there is a group called "Zentangle All Around."  The owner of the group has suggested "a string symphony" for 2016.  Every Wednesday she will post a series of seven string patterns, one for each day of the week.  Beginning on Friday, members will create a Zentangle from the string pattern.  

I plan to participate as much as I can.  I created the piece of art above for today.  I posted it on the "Zentangle All Around" group page and decided to go ahead and post it here.

I used Crescent Moon, Hypnotic, Hollibaugh, Fescu, Tipple, and Fedr patterns.  I used a Sharpie fine point black pen.

As usual, comments and criticisms are always welcome.